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The Little Things are the Big Things

The first few years of life – between birth and kindergarten – are when your child’s brain will grow the fastest. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, you may be home with your child now more than ever.

You got this. It’s important to know that you were made to be your child’s first and most important teacher. Don’t let that scare you. Your child was born ready and excited to learn. They just need your love and guidance to get a great start.

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Talking to Kids about Race

Teaching our children to be antiracist may seem overwhelming. Where do you begin? Research shows that children as young as two are able to recognize race, and it’s vital that we begin embedding antiracism into their learning as soon as possible.

Many of us were taught that we should not “see color” or talk about race because it makes some people uncomfortable. Teach them while they’re young to appreciate differences and see beauty in diversity. You got this.

Resources to get you started

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Self Care

Things are weird right now. It’s not controversial to say it -- we’re all feeling it. Especially for parents, the massive disruption of normal operations that is COVID-19 has been, at times, absolutely catastrophic. Nevermind the genuinely horrifying outcomes -- evictions, illness, the inability to see loved ones safely. For many of us, these massive disruptions are compounded by the smaller day-to-day frustrations and hangups that can make a simple day home with kids a grind.

That’s why it’s key that we parents take a moment -- sometimes just a moment! -- to ourselves. Looking after our own mental and physical health can be extremely difficult, but self-care is more important than ever.

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Brain-Building Moments

The earliest years of life are key for healthy brain development. Brains are built from the bottom up. The earliest skills create the foundation for more advanced skills. Loving relationships and positive experiences help create the brain connections that your baby needs for success later in life.

Learn How to Build their Brains
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You Got This.

Talking to Kids about Race

Talking to kids about race can be a scary thing. Many of us were taught that we should not “see color” or talk about race because it makes some people …

You Got This.

Brain-Building Activities

Your little one’s mind is hard at work. You can see it every time your baby reacts to your smile. Every time your toddler plays catch with you or …

You Got This.

Take a Listen: Parents, You Got This.

Parents, it’s important to know that you were made to be your child’s first and most important teacher. Don’t let that scare you, your child was born …

You Got This.

You Got This.

The last few months have upended many – if not most – of our routines. That is especially true for parents, who suddenly had to balance the closure of …