Apply to be a First Steps Kent Parent Leader!

First Steps Kent is dedicated to involving parents with young children in shaping programs and initiatives that ensure resources are invested wisely and equitably. Below are three opportunities for parents to participate in this important work. Each role includes a $35/hour stipend for time spent attending meetings and fulfilling responsibilities. The online form will allow you to apply for any or all of the three opportunities.

Diversity and Inclusion: First Steps Kent is committed to creating a culture in which all individuals feel supported and recognized. First Steps Kent parent leaders will include representatives, reflecting Kent County’s rich diversity, and include parents and caregivers of different ethnicities, races, religions, sexual identities, and/or genders.

OPPORTUNITY #1 - Early Relational Health Parent Leaders (looking for seven parents)

What is Early Relational Health? This initiative aims to improve parent-infant relational health outcomes in Kent County through the Early Childhood Relational Health Framework. The project focuses on reducing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and promoting healthier adult-child interactions.


  • Attend key initiative meetings.
  • Assist with messaging strategies and presenting findings.
  • Research partnerships to enhance program reach and effectiveness.


  • Term: One year, starting in March, with the potential for a second-year extension.
  • Time Requirement: No more than ten hours annually.


  • Be a Kent County resident.
  • Parent of at least one child aged 0-5.
  • Access to reliable technology (e.g., computer, email, internet). Assistance may be available if needed.

This application has closed. 

OPPORTUNITY #2 - Early Literacy Alliance Parent Leaders (looking for three parents)

What is the Early Literacy Initiative? This project aims to enhance early literacy support for children with developmental delays, including those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, low vision, blindness, or hearing impairments. It seeks to foster collaboration among stakeholders and improve access to literacy resources for families.


  • Provide feedback and perspectives from parents and families.
  • Support stakeholder conversations and events.
  • Participate in implementing improved literacy resources.


  • Term: February 2025 – December 2026. 
  • Time Requirement: No more than 15 hours.


  • Be a Kent County resident.
  • Parent or caregiver of at least one child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, low vision, blindness, or hearing impairments.
  • Access to reliable technology (e.g., computer, email, internet). Assistance may be available if needed.

This application has closed. 

OPPORTUNITY #3 - Ready by Five Resident Proposal Review Board

What Is Ready by Five? Kent County has a voter-approved millage dedicated to funding community-based early childhood programs. The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage generates more than $8 million annually. The Ready by Five Resident Proposal Review Board (RPRB) has the responsibility to review requests for funding, make recommendations for funding levels, and monitor investments for maximum impact. 


  • Term. One year, starting in April 2025, with the potential for a second-year extension.
  • Time Requirement: Meeting dates and times are included below and will require meeting during and after business hours. This commitment will generally not exceed 120 hours per year. We are asking for a two-year commitment beginning April 2025.


  • Be a Kent County resident.
  • Parent of at least one child aged 0-5.
  • Parents can not have worked at any of the Ready by Five provider organizations in the last two years.
  • Access to reliable technology (e.g., computer, email, internet). Assistance may be available if needed.


    • To prepare board members, the RPRB convenes for a one-time orientation. During this time, the group learns about what is required for proposals to be funded and how to score all funding request proposals. The orientation date for 2025 is TBD.
    • Proposals are distributed to each board member with scoring materials and directions. This will arrive around TBD.
    • Each member reviews all assigned proposals and submits scores and any questions they have about the proposals through an online score sheet. The number of proposals can vary depending on the year, in a typical year it takes about 40 hours to review and score all proposals. The deadline to submit online scores and feedback is TBD.
    • The full RPRB meets for 3-5 days (depending on the number of proposals) to discuss how all members scored each proposal. It is important that parents can attend all meetings. During these meetings, the RPRB comes to a decision about what proposals should be funded and how much they should receive. Meeting dates for 2025 RPRB: TBD.

    How to Apply: Complete this online application by March 31, 2025.

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