2024-25 Funding Opportunities

The Request for Proposals (RFP) is linked here and available to download. However, you must complete the application through e-Cimpact.

First Steps Kent is pleased to offer eight funding opportunities for the Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage. Details and requirements for each funding opportunity are included in the Request for Proposal (RFP). The deadline for all proposals is May 28, 2024, at 3 p.m. Please review the May 10, 2024 version of the RFP for the most updated version.

Funding Opportunity 1: Outreach and Navigation Services – Coordinated Outreach, Screening, and Navigation
Ready by Five millage funding has allowed for the creation of an Outreach and Navigation network by developing a multi-agency strategy to reach and engage families in a coordinated way. This network serves as the “right door” for families to find available resources, information, and programs. Programming will have a broad reach across Kent County and may be accessed by any family with a young child who resides in Kent County.

Please note. For programs serving very specific demographic groups or geographic communities, consider applying under RFP 3.c. Healthy Development – Niche Family Supports.

Download the complete RFP, (Outreach and Navigation Services  RFP begins on page 16). Complete the application through e-CImpact.

Funding Opportunity 2: Outreach and Navigation to Early Care – Early Care Connection
Programming funded under this RFP will develop enhanced infrastructure that will provide up-to-date information about the current child care openings in Kent County ensuring families are accessing available child care spaces. Programming in this area will leverage technology to foster better connections between families and child care providers. 

Download the complete RFP, (Outreach and Navigation to Early CareRFP begins on page 20). Complete the application through e-CImpact.

Funding Opportunity 3: Healthy Development Services
Healthy Development programming will focus on improving outcomes related to healthy births, child health, and well-being as well as ensuring children are developmentally on track. Programming will demonstrate success in supporting positive health behaviors that drive better outcomes for children from birth through five years, as well as expectant parents.

Note: Home visiting program proposals applying under this category will not be considered - see RFP 4.

Download the complete RFP, (Healthy Development Services RFP begins on page 26). Complete the application through e-CImpact.

Funding Opportunity 4: Parent Education and Support Services
Parent Education and Support programming ensures parents have the knowledge and skills to support their children’s health, development, and learning. As a result of services, expectant parents and families with young children will have access to the information, resources, and social support they need to be more confident and empowered to make informed choices for themselves, their children, and their families. 

Download the complete RFP, (Parenting Education and Support RFP begins on page 31). Complete the application through e-CImpact.

Funding Opportunity 5: Early Learning Services
This includes programming that supports early learning development and responds to the diverse families and children residing in Kent County. All programming will incorporate elements from the Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement and Potential’s (MiLEAP) Early Childhood Standards of Quality.

Download the complete RFP, (Early Learning Services RFP begins on page 35). Complete the application through e-CImpact.

Funding Opportunity 6: Parent Education and Support - Language Services
Translation and Interpretation Supports offer the opportunity for agencies that specialize and provide interpretation and translation services (in-person, telephone, and written) to apply for Ready by Five Millage funding. Services are intended for families enrolled in all Ready by Five funded services.

Download the complete RFP, Download the complete RFP, (Parent Education and Support - Languages Services RFP begins on page 40). Complete the application through e-CImpact.

RFP 7: Healthy Development Infant Health - Fetal Infant Mortality Review Network Lead Agency
This RFP seeks proposals that ensure services address the social, economic, and health factors that contribute to healthy births in Kent County. Ready by Five requests proposals to select one (1) organization to lead the implementation and ongoing management of the Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) Network for Kent County.

Download the complete RFP, (Healthy Development Training - Fetal Infant Mortality Review Network RFP begins on page 44). Complete the application through e-CImpact.

RFP 8: Healthy Development Training - Ready by Five Network Training and Education Leads
Funding under this RFP will increase knowledge in the Ready by Five professional network. Training will provide a reflective space for newly hired Ready by Five funded employees in direct service positions to attend and learn within certain topics that relate to early childhood.

Download the complete RFP, (Healthy Development Training - Ready by Five Network Training and Education Leads RFP begins on page 47). Complete the application through e-CImpact.

Please Note: First Steps Kent reserves the right to modify these funding areas. All updates regarding funding opportunities and information regarding the funding process and the Requests for Proposal process, including additional specifications for each service and program type, will be posted to the First Steps Kent website.


Questions and Answers:
All questions must be submitted by May 14, 2024, 5 p.m. through THIS ONLINE FORM. No additional questions will be accepted after this deadline.

    All answers to questions will be published periodically. Here are final questions and answers posted on May 17.

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